ZEMA Ministry Video

Below is a 7 minute video about ZEMA and its ministry among the amaZioni.

Global Christian Week – Trinity International University

Amy, Louise, Barry, Jon and Hundreds of Students in Chapel

This week we are representing ZEMA at Trinity Internatinal University as part of their Global Christian Week.  This week the campus is focusing on how the Lord is working in the far corners of the world and how to be a part of what He is doing.  So far, students have shown amazing energy and being on campus has been a lot of fun!  Barry and Louise Adkins, ZEMA missionaries, have arrived from South Africa and are participating in this week’s activities at Trinity.   

Lauren, Barry and Louise at the ZEMA Table

 Sharing how the Lord brought us to minister among the amaZioni people is something we love to do.  Seeing an intrest in missions from students seeking to carry out the Lord’s will is really exciting to us.  We have a booth set-up with information on short-term trips and long-term positions that are available through ZEMA. 

George Verwer, Founder of Operation Mobilization, Speaking in Chapel

Would you pray for us as we speak to students?  Pray we would be encouraging and helpful to those who feel God tugging on their hearts to perhaps share the gospel in another country. 


Departure Date for South Africa

God’s timing is the best timing. Yesterday, we received news about our departure for South Africa!  Lord willing, we will be leaving for South Africa in  mid November.  We are confident that this is the Lord’s timing because enough funds have come in (81%) to project this departure date.  God is faithful.  We are so thankful for the contributions of so many.  We are now trusting that the remaining amount will come in before our departure.   All we need to raise is $1,200 per month.  Our departure is dependant upon raising the rest of our support and we look forward to seeing how God will provide.   Pray with us that we will be ready in every way for our departure this November. 

Waiting on the Lord’s timing is a crucial lesson in life.  It is not always easy, but it is always right and rewarding.  We are thankful that we have been learning this important lesson over the past few years.  

Here are some good reasons to support this ministry:

  • Your contributions will be used for the preaching of the gospel and teaching of God’s Word.
  • God promises to provide for the needs of his people when they seek first his Kingdom (Matthew 6:33).
  • We are committed to praying for our supporters.
  • Contributions made to ZEMA are tax-deductible.
  • There is great joy in participating in God’s work around the world.

A Visit Home & Support Update

Friedens Evangelical Church

First, the visit home:  This past weekend we were blessed to visit Friedens Evangelical Church in Port Washington, Wisconsin.  I (Lauren) grew up attending this church so it was a lot of fun seeing friends and sharing about the ministry in South Africa.  Jon was able to share a message on how God uses His people to bring the “good news” to those who have yet to hear and understand it.   


Jon and Pastor Brandon

Now, the support update:  We have reached 81% of our monthly support!  We  are so thankful for God’s provision through the generosity of so many supporters.  This means that we can now work on setting a departure date.  We are waiting to hear back from the field on their recommendation so please keep this departure in your prayers.  Also, we need to raise the remaing 19% of our support before heading over to South Africa so please pray for the Lord’s timing and provision as we are hoping to have things fall into place soon.  



A Visitor from South Africa

With Nomkhosi at Church

Last week we had the privilege of meeting Nomkhosi, a visitor from South Africa.  While studying in the states this past year on a student exchange program, she was determined to research the history of the amaZioni churches in southern Africa.  She grew up in an amaZioni church and still attends when she is home.

While researching, Nomkhosi came across the ZEMA website and quickly e-mailed the ZEMA office.  In response to her e-mail, she was invited to visit Zion to meet ZEMA personnel, learn the history behind the amaZioni movement and find out how ZEMA ministers among the amaZioni. 

We had a wonderful day with her.  We were excited to learn that she is a Christian!  Sadly, many of the amaZioni do not yet understand the way of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  There are over fifteen million amaZioni in southern Africa and it is ZEMA’s goal to reach them with the gospel and train them in the Bible.   She couldn’t believe how God wants to reach the amaZioni since they are often looked down upon by many in society because of their superstitious beliefs.

With the formation of amaZioni college student groups in South Africa, an exciting new opportunity seems to be opening for ZEMA missionaries.   Recently, one amaZioni student group near Durban invited some ZEMA missionaries to come and teach a class on the basic teachings of the Bible.  Pray that more contacts will be made with amaZioni college students.

So, what does South Africa Look Like?

When people think of Africa there tend to be some misconceptions.  Each African country is distinct and different from the next.  We thought it might help to share some more pictures and videos of South Africa and the people who live there.  Included below are pictures and videos from our trip last year as well some that other ZEMA missionaries shared with us.  We are continually encouraged to hear reports about new Bible Schools starting and the sincere  appreciation for Bible teaching among the amaZioni.  ZEMA is now ministering through over 40 Bible Schools.  We are really looking forward to arriving in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Please keep us in your prayers as we raise the rest of our support and prepare for departure.  So far, God has blessed us with about 75% of our needed monthly support.  As soon as we reach 80% we will be able to set a departure date.

To see two short videos which include testimonies from some Zion Evangelical Bible School students visit ZEMA’s webpage at www.zema.org.

Recent opportunities to share about ZEMA

Recently, we have had some great opportunities to let others know about Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa.  More and more, poeple are learning about this exciting opportunity of helping the amaZioni learn the Bible.  It is going to take the participation of many in order to bring the gospel message and discipleship training that so many of the amaZioni are yearning for.

URBANA Missions Conference

Three weeks ago we were able to represent ZEMA at the Urbana Conference in St. Louis.  The purpose of this conference is to encourage young poeple to seriously consider cross-cultural Christian missions.  Along with this, they give mission organizations the opportunity to represent their ministries.  During this time, we were able to make some great connections. 

Church Missions Fair

  Most recently, we were able to represent ZEMA at a church missions conference near Chicago.  As part of our display, we constructed half of a rodaval (mud hut) with the help of Jon’s dad.  Along with this, we served Rooiboos (Roy boss)tea which is only grown in South Africa.  Many were very interested in the ministry.

About a year ago…

About a year ago we were getting ready for our month long stay in South Africa.  Our trip was a real affirmation for us as we traveled the country meeting many of the Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa (ZEMA) misionaries and seeing first hand the work they do.  Now, a year later, we are so close to returning!  This time as full-time ZEMA missionaries ourselves.  We are happy to now be able to share with you some of the video from that trip.  It might help to turn the volume up a bit on your computer.

When we visited South Africa we were invited to attend a prayer meeting at Pastor Khuba’s home.  Here is a video clip of part of that meeting.  You will notice there is a lot of people in a small room (a common occurance in South Africa).  We praise God that Khuba knows the Lord and is leading others in their knowledge of the Lord too.  This prayer group meets weekly at Pastor Khuba’s home.  We were blown away by the 9 year girl leading the group in song!  Wow!   

We were also able to attend a Zion Evangelical Bible School (ZEBS) class.  How wonderful it was to see students sing and dance their way into their seats.  During our time at this ZEBS Jon was able to teach a class on fellowship.  We felt very welcomed and enjoyed getting to know some of the amaZioni students.

Mission Training International – MTI

Out for a walk.

For the past three weeks, we have been attending Mission Training International (MTI) in Colorado Springs, CO.  Today, we have completed the first of two training sessions.  Until now, our training focused on adjusting to a new culture.  In just three weeks we feel the Lord has truly grown us in our cultural perspectives and personal awareness.

In front of MTI.

We are really looking forward to the second session which starts next week.  This will focus on language acquisition.  As you may know, once in South Africa we will be responsible for learning the Xhosa language.  We expect that our remaining time here at MTI will help us develop a positive and fun methodology for learning our new language.  We couldn’t be more encouraged by the training so far, so we are sure the next session will be great!